Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Yet more quiltlets

This one for Jody for her birthday - hint: they're supposed to be roses:
This one for Nona's going-away prezzie:

A little too much contrast on this photo, but it's a white, wholecloth with trapunto, about 12x12 inches. When Nona found out I quilted, she piped up, hey I've always wanted a trapunto purse! Well, it's not a purse, but it's trapunto. Had to get some technique books from the library for this project:

Exploring Machine Trapunto: http://www.amazon.com/Exploring-Machine-Trapunto-New-Dimensions/dp/1571200436/ref=pd_sim_b_img/002-6354799-3062452

More Celtic Quilting: http://www.amazon.com/More-Celtic-Quilting-Gail-Lawthor/dp/0715316931/ref=sr_1_5/002-6354799-3062452?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1188357090&sr=1-5

Whitework Quilting: http://www.amazon.com/Whitework-Quilting-Techniques-Designing-Wholecloth/dp/0974470600/ref=pd_sim_b_pop_title/002-6354799-3062452


annzy said...

Yikes that looks nice ~I am so impressed with the new technique!

Lucy van Pelt said...

Wow! That trapunto turned out great. Nona will be so pleased.

Jo said...

I love my quiltlet Sam! The roses with the stripe border is so me! I especially like the beading on the roses. (hard to see in the picture but beautiful in RL)

Double WOW!!! The trapunto is absolutely beautiful. I have seen the techinque demonstrated on quilt shows, but I am impressed with your quiltlet.