Max tells us that he doesn't want to eat "dead animals" anymore and wants to be a vegetarian. He's pretty earnest about it (although tonight when the veggie eggrolls were yucky and he knew that the chicken ones he had last week were yummy, he became practical rather than principled, and chowed the chicken ones). So, um, now what? I was always thinking "well, at least he's getting enough protein, even if he doesn't eat his veggies", but now what? He's snubbing all dinner ideas beyond ramen & spaghetti - hardly balanced & complete meals. He's not a tofu fan... Aside from his already-favorite and already-veggie corn dogs from MorningStar farms, what do I feed this kid beyond PB&J?
Any ideas?
Think it'll last?
Not yet sub-zero
1 week ago
One of my colleagues has a son who is 9 and has been a vegetarian since he was 5. It was his own idea and he has stuck with it. The rest of the family eats meat and they try to accomodate him. I would never have believed it if I ahdn't heard it straight from the horses mought. maybe it will stick. I don't have any suggestions for what to feed the boy though.
My son claims he is a vegetarian. His favorite food is cheese! I still insist on occasional meals with chicken. Ironically, he doesn't seem to care much for vegetables over all. At age 14 he's imformed me that his tastes are changing...however, it doesn't include more meat.
And just what is wrong with Ramen??? Hi Sam
Say "Hi" to Max for me. How about ants on a log? Apples in peanut butter, and my favorite - cheese and crackers! Instant mashed potatoes, and some great salads at Jack in the Box. If you're feeling a bit lazy, there's Easy Mac. It works for me!
Austin Braas
Hi Niki, Ramen we have weekly already, so I didn't want any more :-).
Hi Austin - great suggestions. Thanks!
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